Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Green Tea For Weight Loss

Green Tea For Weight Loss.   Shrink While You Drink

Green tea has long been recognised as having many health benfifts. The Chinese have used green tea since ancient times as a herbal remedy & health tonic. A rich source of antioxidents, green tea is also effective in lowering cholesterol and limiting the negative effects of fatty diets.

Green Tea to Burn Fat
Green tea contains high amounts of polyphenols which activate the enzyme that is responsible for dissolving excess Triglyceride. Triglyceride is a substance that is synthesised by the liver and small intestine from sugars and fats and are essential for the body. Diets high in sugar and fat have excess Triglyceride which is stored as fat.

In the long run, this means that green tea effectively aids in burning fat.

Green tea and Metabolism
Green tea contains powerful antioxidants called catechin polyphenols that are responsible for many of the health benefits. One in particular, epigallocatechin gallate (or EGCG for short)is resposnible for stimulating the metabolism and accelerating weight loss.

This combined with the naturally occuring cafeine found in green tea stimulates the central nervous system which causes fat to be released in to the blood stream where it can be used to fuel the body. This process of fat being used for energy is call thermogenisis, it provides energy to the body, sheds water and ultimately results in the burning of body fat.

The catechin polyphenols found in green tea stimulate the conversion of fatty acids to fuel for your muscles during exercise thus increasing endurance and accelerating weight loss.

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Instant Herbal Beverage by Herbalife is a delicious instant tea with the antioxidant and thermogenic benefits of green tea and fast-acting botanicals for energy and weight-management support.

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Herbalife products are only available from Independent Herbalife Distributors

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