Sunday, February 28, 2010

Hi I am one Pound!

Hello, do you know me?
If you don't, you should. I'm a pound of fat,
And I'm the HAPPIEST pound of fat that you would ever want to meet.
Want to know why?
It's because no one ever wants to lose me;
I'm ONLY ONE POUND, just a pound!
Everyone wants to lose three pounds, five pounds, or fifteen pounds, but never only one.
So I just stick around and happily keep you fat.
Then I add to myself, ever so slyly, so that you never seem to notice it.
That is, until I've grown to ten, twenty, thirty or even more pounds in weight.
Yes, it's fun being ONLY ONE POUND OF FAT, left to do as I please.
So, when you weigh in, keep right on saying, "Oh, I only lost one pound.
For you see, if you do this, you'll encourage others to keep me around because they'll think I'm not worth losing.
And, I love being around you - your arms, your legs, your chin, your hips and every part of you.
Happy Days!!!
After all, I'm ONLY ONE POUND OF FAT!!!

--- Author Unknown

Thanks to the Weight Loss Community for sharing this awesome poem with us ... every step in our journey takes us closer to our goal; every step counts!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Reaching Ultimate Wellness

The fundamentals of Wellness ... having a better life and actually achieving your ultimate wellness depend on many things - your health, financial prosperity, relationships, mental etc

Firstly lets define the the word "Wellness".
What is the Definition of Wellness?
"The condition of good physical and mental health, especially when maintained by proper diet, exercise and habits" according to the American Heritage Dictionary.

"Its about feeling better and looking better" according to Mark Hughes, founder Herbalife.

"Wellness is about waking up every morning and having enough time, energy and freedom to live the life you want"

According to Dr David Heber is a Professor of Medicine and Director, UCLA Center for Human Nutrition, "Good Nutrition is vital to wellness and enhances the overall quality of life."

What does Wellness mean to you?
So what are the factors that Impact Health?
  • Fast food diets that are high in fat and low in nutrients.
  • Overly-processed, convenience foods.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Pollution.
  • Stress.
  • Certain medications.
  • Lack of dietary fiber from fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
  • Not enough healthy sources of protein in our diets to support healthy muscle and bone.
  • Lack of proper rest.
The keys to Optimum Wellness
  • Balance your Diet - You need to get enough of the right foods including colorful fruits and vegetables, protein, good carbohydrates and just enough good fats for the taste you want. You also need vitamins, minerals and fiber from dietary supplements to provide the nutrition missing from your diet that your cells need for good health.
  • Exercise Regularly - regular exercise can help you feel and look your best. Exercise conditions your heart and relieves stress and makes it easier to achieve and maintain a healthy body weight.
  • Drink lots of Water - Your body is about two-thirds water, in an average day you lose at least one pint of water even without excessive sweating. To feel your best, you should drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day.
Here are some steps for Achieving Optimum Wellness:
  • Define Your Wellness Goals
  • Have an evaluation of your personal wellness.
  • Identify key areas you need to impact to reach your wellness goals.
  • Get recommendations from your Personal Wellness Coach.
  • Make a plan of action that you can commit to.
  • Get ongoing support you need to stay on your wellness track for a healthier future.

Let me say I myself have not reach optimum wellness though lets just say that after 3 years of eating the right foods and doing regular exercise, I feel that my health has changed considerably.
  • I am managing to lose a kilo (2.2pounds) a week and keep it off!
  • Amongst other wellness benefits: I have come off medication for my Thyroid Disorder, corrected Insulin Resistance, resolved long term back pain and restless leg syndrome.
  • I no longer get sick like I used to, in fact I hardly get sick at all. I do at occasions may get a sniffle, though this goes away within 24 hours.
  • I also used to have hay fever during the spring/summer season and now I never get this now.
The human body is an incredible thing, it just shows that if you give it everything it needs in balance and have regular exercise, it manages to heal itself.

Just one more point I want to mention, that is with the all the way food is being grown and process there is absolutely no chance that a person can get all the nutrition it needs from the food they eat without getting overweight. The nutrition value in foods in these times compared to 50 years ago has depreciated so much that people will need to eat over 4000 calories to make sure they provide their bodies with the right amount of nutrition.

So, I suggest that everybody start taking high quality supplements which include a Multivitamin Complex, Omega 3 Fish Oils, Calcium which include Vitamin D, an Anti-Oxidant and other supplements which may support the human body.

For 3 years now, my whole family have started their day with a Herbalife Nutritional Shake which has all the right amounts of nutrients my body needs in balance which include Protein, Carbohydrates, Sugar & Fiber. We also take other supplementations.

Hey it was a little different at first though it becomes normal after a while and we certainly have gotten all the benefits of a change of lifestyle. We feel absolutely great every single day!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Why Losing Just 10% Of Your Body Weight Can Change Your Life

Striving to meet that goal weight can be an overwhelming challenge for many people, that's why it is best to aim for smaller incremental goals that result in greater health benefits. Losing just 10% of your body weight is not only the first step toward your ultimate goal weight it also reduces the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and many other diet related diseases; it will also raise your self esteem.

'The longest journey begins with a single step'; breaking your weight loss project down into smaller achievable chunks eases the road to a better, leaner and healthier you as well as providing significant health benefits along the way.

A Healthier Heart
Health experts agree that by losing just 10% of your body you significant;y reduce the risk of heart disease, lower you cholesterol and reduce your blood pressure. High cholesterol and elevated blood pressure are two major risk factors for heart disease.

Lower Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
Being over weight significantly increases your chances of type two diabetes this means that your body has trouble producing or using insulin; a hormone produced by the body to convert the food your eat into usable energy. For those who already have type 2 diabetes losing just 10% may improve your symptoms, reduce your dependence on medication and prevent further complications.

More Get Up And Go
By improving you nutrition and losing just 10% you will experience more energy and vitality. You will actually want to get out and do more physical activity or exercise.

Improved Self Esteem
Losing 10% will will motivate you to keep going. It will improve your self esteem and changes in the way you view yourself. You will begin to like the new you more and more. Success has a momentum effect, each goal achieved building momentum to the next.

With improved self esteem comes other changes in your life; a better job; recreational activities, socialising more, having more fun, taking a course.

After losing just 10% you begin to gain a sense of what it will be like to lose the lot. It creates a point of reference to achieve your target weight; are you willing to continue with your effort to lose even more. If not the congratulations, 10% weight loss is a great achievement. If yes, you have our support and the rewards will far out way the effort.

Herbalife have been helping people lose weight for 30 years and have a proven track record in the weight loss industry. Not only weight loss, Herbalife encourages healthy life style through better nutrition and exercise. Trained weight loss coaches support you on your journey to your goal with advice and recognition of your personal and weight loss achievements.

Herbalife is available only through Independent Distributors in 72 countries. Contact us for more information.