Friday, May 15, 2009

How to survive outings with a recognisable waistline

It is largely a matter of choices and determination. When gatherings and even shopping trips are often centred on food, weight gain can seem unavoidable.

Watch portion sizes
If you're having two shakes a day, be sure you don't overdo the quantities in your main meal. Remember, you would need to wash your car for one hour to burn off the calories consumed in just one extra helping of pudding and custard!

Plan ahead
Think about what to do when you've been offered food you'd prefer not to eat; what to eat instead; how to handle nosey relatives and their comments about your weight loss; fun ways to enjoy the season that aren't food-related, etc.

Be a picky eater
We all have particular foods that we love and others that we may eat simply because they're there. Don't beat yourself up about eating something that is normally out of the question. Enjoy it as long as you keep your portions under control.

Dont run on empty
Whatever you do, don't go to a party hungry or "save your appetite" for a big end-of-the-day meal at the family's. If you find yourself facing down a buffet table on an empty stomach, you'll have little chance of avoiding a binge.

Times are Lean
These days, meat is much leaner than it has been due to trimming efforts on the part of butchers. Beef labelled as "loin", "round" and "extra lean" are your best choices. Roasting, baking, grilling, braising and broiling are healthy meat-cooking methods. Use non-stick pans and choose cooking sprays over oil or butter during preparation.

Be Choosy about Chicken
Keep in mind that dark meat contains about twice as much fat as white meat. Also, chicken skin is fattening. You can remove the skin yourself before cooking, or take off the skin before you eat it. However you choose to avoid it - just do it.

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